

What number options are available with the Two-way Short Code SMS?
Currently, there are 10,000 sets of Five-digit code numbers to choose from, ranging from 60,000 to
69,999 (numbers that have been purchased by enterprises will no longer be available); Four-digit code
numbers are currently only for government departments and have not yet been opened to corporate
What is the application process? How long it take to activate?
Please reference service application>rules
How to check the short codes that are available for renting?
Please reference service application > short code selection query
Can individuals apply for Two-way Short Code SMS?
Yes, however, it is apply through “Special Request”,
please call us for more details.
Can Foreign corporate companies in Taiwan apply Two-way Short Code SMS?
Yes, but, a foreign corporate company need to registered with the Ministry of Economic Affairs of
Taiwan and have an operating site in Taiwan as well in order to be qualifying for application.
What if one only wants to apply Two-way Short Code SMS for a onetime even?
Please contact our customer service to obtain information on event package.
How can companies obtain user consent to send Two-way Short code message?
User consent can be obtained through online registration, customer service or form filling. Just
confirm the user's consent when sending the first message.
After an enterprise receives a user’s Opt-in short code message, does it need to reply?
Yes, by doing so can confirm receipt of the message and prevent users from sending it repeatedly
to protect the rights and interests of the public.
Content and Transmission Range
What are the types of contents Two-way short code SMS can delivery? Is there limitation on numbers of characters?
Currently only text-only messages can be sent via Two-Way Short Code SMS. And if it is a mixture of
Chinese and English characters, then a single message can only have a maximum of 70 characters;
and if the content is English or numbers only, then a message can have a maximum of 160 characters.

Moreover, if the above limit is exceeded, then at least one additional message will be charged. In the
future, Multimedia Messaging Services will be added based on the market demand.
Can Two-way Short Code SMS be sent to overseas users?Can domestic users send and receive messages while roaming abroad?
Two-way Short Code SMS is limited to users of the three major domestic telecommunications
companies. Consequently, when domestic mobile users are roaming internationally, they will be
subject to the agreement between each telecommunications operator and the roaming network
operator, and are not guaranteed to receive Two-way Short Code SMS. Therefore, it is not
recommended to reply Two-way Short Code SMS while roaming abroad to avoid incurring high
roaming charges.
Is user consent required before sending Two-way Short code SMS?
Yes, users must agree (Opt-in) before sending Two-way short code SMS.
For companies that already have member messaging services, do they need to obtain member consent before sending Two-way Short code message?
Yes, even existing members need their consent when sending the first short code interactive message.
How much does Opt-in Short Code SMS cost?
It is free for users ($0); yet, if users use it improperly (such as spamming messages), they may be
restricted from sending messages.
Can mobile phone numbers collected by the companies be used elsewhere?
When people opt-in to become members, companies should inform consumers through
appropriate means (official website announcements, etc.) when providing Short code SMS services.
And the company's use of collecting phone number information should comply with the "Personal
Data Protection Act" and other relevant legal provisions. 
Rental and management
When does the Two-way Short code SMS rental start time?
On the 1st or 15th of every month.
Is there a minimum lease period for Two-way Short code SMS?
Yes, as short as three months. When an enterprise applies, it must pay a three-month fee, which is
regarded as a non-refundable deposit.
Can I transfer the Two-way Short code SMS to other companies?
No, it can only be used by the applicants.
How to renew the Two-way Short code SMS contract when it is expired?
You can inquire about the original business or contact customer service.
What should the user do if one wants to cancel the lease prematurely?
If the user wishes to cancel the lease early after exceeding the minimum lease period of three
months, then the portion that is less than one month will be calculated and charged as ONE
After the current contract expired, can other companies rent this short code?
Enterprises that use Two-way Short code SMS properly in accordance with laws and regulations
will still retain priority leasing rights even if the lease expires. Enterprises should renew or sign a
new contract a month in advance before the lease of the Two-way Short code SMS expires to
ensure their rights and interests.
How to calculate the service fees of the Two-way Short code SMS?
Please refer to Service Application>Service Fees
Is the Two-way Short code SMS a contract or prepaid base? If I want to renew after deactivation, will my number still be retained?
The service is prepaid based. After the Two-way Short code SMS is activated, we will not provide
temporarily reserved for use. And each time a user wants to apply for activation will need to pay
NTD 15, 000one-time processing fee.
Technical Support
How does an enterprise company send Two-way Short code short message?
1. Log in to the official website
2. Go to the backend management by yourself or find PINTrust Information Technology partners
for assistance.
Under what circumstances will the To-way Short code SMS be deactivated or canceled?
If it involves fraud, violates good customs, or improperly collects customer information, it will be
deactivated or canceled upon discovery or notification by the police.
Can businesses set up group broadcasting or auto replies?
Yes, businesses can set up group broadcasting and send out short message at a specific time or
auto reply to specific keywords.
Can I set a specific time period or region to send Two-way Short code Short Messages?
Group messages can be sent to Opt-in users, but services for non-specific targets such as LBS are
not provided.
How do I promote short codes to my consumers?
Please refer to Short Code Interactive Service>Application Scenario
Are there any statistical reports provided?
Yes, PINTrust provide a web-based platform for call-to-action marketing, market research, and
event participation. And the platform comes with statistical reporting features, therefore, if the
company needs to integrate internal systems, the API connections are also can be provided.
How long is data kept?
Statistical reports are kept for six months.
However, before the last day of lease, the enterprise should remove or back up the stored data by
themselves, and PINTrust will be delete it on the day of service termination.
How can I identify the origin of the short code short messages when I receive it?
You can go to the "Query Short Code Source" in the lower right corner of the homepage on the
PINTrust official website for inquiry.
Can I send garbled discount coupons through the Two-way Short code SMS?
Can PINTrust assist with customized service needs?
Yes, please contact about original business rep. and or customer service.